What is the diet of diabetic patients?
You can control your diabetes with proper and balanced nutrition. For this purpose, be careful in choosing the food you eat. In order to avoid blood sugar fluctuations during the day, divide your meal plan into 5-6 meals instead of 3 meals. . If you are overweight or obese, the best way to control blood sugar is to lose weight through diabetic diet and exercise. Try to walk for half an hour a day. Walking and exercising at least half an hour a day helps to control blood sugar.
Stress and anxiety are one of the most important causes of high blood sugar, and the most important way to treat it is to think, concentrate, drink a glass of cold water, breathe deeply, and massage your feet with vegetable oil.
Important points in the diet of diabetic patients:
- Avoid eating fatty and fried foods. Eat more boiled, steamed, grilled or oven-baked foods.
- Use liquid oil sparingly and avoid using solid oil, butter and cream. During the day, a maximum of 2-3 tablespoons of liquid oil (preferably olive and canola oil) should be consumed for cooking and salad.
- Include raw or cooked vegetables such as greens, salad, cucumber, pumpkin, and green beans in your diet.
- Do not use prepared foods (such as sandwiches, pizza, restaurant food, etc.).
- Use thick barley bread instead of wheat bread. It is better to use large barley bread, Berber bread, Tufton bread, Sangak bread, instead of lavash bread or baguette bread.
Do not use compote and canned food and eat fruits raw or cooked and use less juices. - Use barley, onion, artichoke, coriander and garlic to reduce blood sugar.
- Limit the consumption of low-fat red meat to 2 times a week and use chicken or fish the rest of the week. Reduce egg consumption to 2 times a week.
- Apples, pears, cherries, and peaches have fiber, and as a result, the sugar in these fruits enters the bloodstream slowly. If you have kidney failure, use low potassium fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid or rarely use simple sugars such as sugar, sugar, flakes, candy, sweets, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly, chocolate, biscuits, soft drinks, and any type of food that contains sugar.
- You can use fenugreek seed infusion to reduce blood sugar.
- It is better to use rice mixed with legumes and vegetables (lentil pilaf, mung bean pilaf, dill pilaf) instead of white rice.
- Use less boiled and mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, carrot juice, dates, apricot leaves, dried fruit (dried berries), watermelon, melon, garamek, green beans, and bananas because they raise blood sugar quickly. .
- Avoid consuming sour, salty and fatty foods, chicken livers, chicken skin, mayonnaise, puffs, chips, canned fried chicken, fried chicken, compote and salty cheeses, fried chicken.
- Wheat germ, fresh fish, soybeans, walnuts, cauliflower should be consumed as recommended, because it helps to control blood sugar.
- Consuming fruits and vegetables fresh, whole and with skin is better than cooked fruits and vegetables, juice and vegetable water.
Consume sweet fruits at most once a day.
Use the infusion of fenugreek seeds, coriander, onion, 2 tablespoons of barley in soups and stews, as well as fenugreek powder in yogurt and buttermilk.
Try not to use tea with food because it reduces the absorption of iron and calcium from food. It is better to drink your tea in between meals.
It is better to eat food with vegetables and salad to increase iron absorption. Use broth or lemon juice in salad.
The use of dry berries, green and red raisins and Zahedi yellow dates in the amount recommended by Bachai nutritionist is more suitable than added dates, sugar, sugar and flakes.
Consume yogurt and low-fat milk.
Use whole grain pasta as much as possible.
Consuming snacks during the day and before bed: This is vital for diabetics who receive insulin. Even with insulin injections, the diet must be followed.